Freenet is a network focused around anonymity and censorship resistance. Click the name to visit the website and download it.

Once you have Freenet installed and running, you can visit Standing With Resilience on Freenet or Standing With Resilience Public.

Viewing the website on Freenet helps the site survive if there is ever an issue with your normal access to the internet.

If you are familiar with Freenet, the source of this website may be edited using gitocalypse. Fetch urls:

  • freenet://USK@hCLgfaINNSNAl4do-PapEincQP5Lxa72d8mFrzHqzqU,jjuBPGO~oCByVoZ5f4Bny0Gp-l3kuDOtf3m-QBT4ekA,AQACAAE/Standing%20With%20Resilience%20Public.git.R1/-6
  • freenet://USK@PSY0YngeDtGbj60hjEoilQiY9oKzVrptRC0rG4BEVPg,e6ZEjT4KvbsltPBJOeKNpIdty2oGzbLCdk4fsDA5Vdk,AQACAAE/Standing%20With%20Resilience.git.R1/-9

Push url:

  • freenet://USK@AKL0griFs7T25yw6-JR3Wk7vocvNBelOLg3RwtIL6aTp,jjuBPGO~oCByVoZ5f4Bny0Gp-l3kuDOtf3m-QBT4ekA,AQECAAE/Standing%20With%20Resilience%20Public.git.R1/0